Friday, March 18, 2011

Getting Ready for Spring

Getting ready for Spring

Postby acecharters » Wed Mar 09, 2011
Its been a long cold winter, but it should leed to some of the absolute best spring fishing that we have seen in years. This year we will be offering spring salmon trips on the western end of Lake Ontario at or very near the Niagra Bar out of the ports of Wilson and Oak Orchard. Limit catches of Trout and Salmon are the norm not the exception. In fact, the first of the prestigous Lake Ontario Pro-Ams will be held in Niagra County for just this reason You are invited to come Charter with us while we practice for this tournament. You will get to fish with new products that have not even been introduced to the market,yet.In past years as the Capt. of two different teams , I have been priveleged to have had a 2nd place and a top ten finish for the overall two legs of the western division's, "Best of the West" !
From here, we will be moving to Oak Orchard to prepare for the 2nd leg of the Pro-Am being held in Orleans County where the fishing has been historically phenomenal. Once again you are invited to come Charter with us during our practice sessions.
We are pleased to announce that discount rates and free accomodations are being offered as packages for these events. Please contact us for further info or check out our website at under 2011 schedule and rates,
Cpt. Jimmy Samia

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